Using EUKulele

EUKulele has been designed to provide taxonomic annotation for two primary data types: 1) contigs derived from metatranscriptomes (METs) and 2) metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs). The focus of EUKulele is on the annotation of microbial eukaryotes; however, it is conceivable to use any database as the foundation of your analyses (see Databases).

Metatranscriptomes (METs)

In the first case, metatranscriptomes (shortened in EUKulele to mets), are assumed to be contigs generated from shotgun-style sequencing and assembly of metatranscriptomic data (RNA) from a mixed community. These contigs can be provide to EUKulele as either nucleotide sequences (such as those output by Trinity) or predicted protein sequences from these contigs (such as those output by Transdecoder).

The most basic running of EUKulele on metatranscriptome samples would be:

EUKulele --sample_dir path/to/metatranscriptome/samples -m mets

This command will automatically download (if not downloaded already) the MMETSP database and use DIAMOND to align sequences to the database. EUKulele will automatically inspect the directory for files ending with .fna (nucleotide files) or .faa (amino acid files). If no files are found within the directory with those extensions an error will be raised. If nucleotide files are found (.fna) a blastx-style search will automatically performed; alternatively, if amino acid files are found a blastp-style search will be automatically performed. The results of the DIAMOND searches and estimated taxonomy for each of the contigs within the input datasets as well as various figures will be output in a directory called output. More on output files in the Output Documentation Section!

EUKulele is highly customizable and can be easily adapted to work with your dataset. For example, if you wanted to run BLAST against the PhyloDB database on your protein files that end in .protein this can be accomplished with the following command:

EUKulele --sample_dir path/to/metatranscriptome/samples -m mets --protein_extension .protein --database phylodb --alignment_choice BLAST

A full list of parameters and customizations can be found here Parameters Section. Users might find it simpler to modify a config file such as that provided here). A config file can be passed to EUKulele as follows. A config file will be automatically generated after the first run of EUKulele in you working directory to facilitate re-running:

EUKulele --config config.yaml


It is feasible to run EUKulele on metagenome derived contigs (not MAGs, those are discussed in detail below). If you wish to analyze metagenomic contigs as is described above for metatranscriptomes, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you provide predicted proteins from your metagenome rather than the nucleotide sequences from your metagenomic assembly. Metagenomic contigs often consist of many proteins. EUKulele can predict proteins from metatranscriptomes with TransDecoder, but this is NOT advised for metagenomic contigs. Additionally, a blastx-style search will no be optimal for metagenomic contigs. It is up to the user to provide predicted proteins from their metagenomic contigs, as this can be a complex process (particularly for eukaryotic metagenomes) and is not within the scope of EUKulele. Note that this is a problem in particular for eukaryotic sequences, where protein calling is more complicated due to the presence of introns.

Metagenome Assembled Genomes (MAGs)

In the second case, metagenome assembled genomes (shortened in EUKulele to mags), are assumed to be the predicted proteins from a MAG derived from the binning of like contigs from a metagenome assembly based on tetranucleotide frequency, abundance, etc. as done by programs like CONCOCT or metaBAT. Please note that we only recommend using predicted proteins for the taxonomic annotation of MAGs and not raw nucleotide sequences (see above note for some justification).

The most basic invocation of a MAG based analysis with EUKulele is the following:

EUKulele --sample_dir path/to/MAGs -m mags

This will align all MAG proteins against the MMETSP with DIAMOND. As detailed above in the section on metatranscriptomes, the parameters (see Parameters Section) or config file can be used to adjust the running of EUKulele to suit the user.

Of particular interest to the user might be the --tax_cutoffs parameter and associated file (tax-cutoffs.yaml). The default tax-cutoffs.yaml file details the percent id cutoffs that are used to assign taxonomy at various levels:

species: 95
genus: 80
family: 65
order: 50
class: 30

These cutoffs are based on commonly used cutoffs in the literature, but can be modified by the user to suit their purposes. Using the above example, proteins that align with 95% identity to a reference protein will be assigned at the level of the species, those aligning with 65% identity at the level of family, etc.

As with the metatranscriptome analysis, the taxonomic estimation of every protein will be output in the taxonomy_estimation folder within the output directory. Additionally, however, the taxonomic consensus across all proteins within a MAG will also be returned for MAGs.

Example max-level-mag output file
  max_taxa proportion_id
supergroup Eukaryota 0.9998
division Archaeplastida 0.9898
class Chlorophyta 0.9878
family Mamiellales 0.9764
genus Mamiellaceae 0.9382
species Micromonas sp. NEPCC29 0.4002

The max-level-mag files detail the relative proportion of all the proteins within a MAG that agree at a particular level. The file reports each of the six level considered by default in EUKulele (more on this in the section on databases here). For each level, the taxa which recruited that most reads within that level is reported. For example, the majority of proteins in the division level were annotated as Archaeplastida. The proportion of proteins that are annotated as that max level are also reported.

So, in the above example 99.98% of the proteins in the dataset have a best hit to the supergroup level Eukaryota, meaning that the vast majority of the proteins had the same annotation at the supergroup level. This is largely true, where all proteins are annotated consistently (>90%) from supergroup to genus. However, only 40% of the proteins annotated consistently at the species level. It is up to the user to decide where and how they want to make a final taxonomic annotation for their MAG. In the above example, one might choose to annotate with confidence to the level of genus given the universally high consensus across proteins.

LCA Algorithm

In some cases, multiple hits from alignment via blast or diamond will be reported and will meet the threshold specified by the user (see the Parameters Section). In this case, the hits available at each taxonomic level will be evaluated using a simple Last Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm. This simple implementation of the algorithm accepts input from the user (detailed in the Parameters Section; parameter is --consensus_cutoff and has default of 0.75/75%) on what percentage of alignment-derived annotations need to be identical in order for the annotation to be adopted. If, for instance, only 50% of alignment hits match at the species level, less specific taxonomic levels are assessed until a 75% consensus is reached. For example, if two of four hits have the same species annotation, but all four hits have the same genus annotation, the genus annotation would be used, even if all hits meet the defined percentage identity threshold for the species level.

LCA, while a robust annotation approach, is not the only means of predicting taxonomic level. We are currently exploring adding a phylogenetic estimate of eukaryotic taxonomy, particularly for the taxonomic placement of MAGs.